For Our Clients

Understanding Employment Laws in California

California has strict laws that support employees. However, you must understand how they work in order to protect yourself. Federal laws can also benefit you, if you know how to apply them to your situation. Rubin Law Corporation can help you understand and protect yourself with the following laws:

  1. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  2. California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
  3. California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
  4. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  5. California Labor Code
  6. California Workers’ Compensation Laws
  7. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act
  8. Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA)

It’s important to work with an employment attorney to make sure you use these laws to protect you.

Why You Need an Employment Attorney

It’s important to work with an employment attorney who has extensive experience representing employees. Legal issues can become complex quickly; moreover, employers and large companies often have teams of attorneys on their side. Don’t try to face them alone. Instead, work with an employment lawyer at Rubin Law Corporation who understands California and federal laws and can make those regulations work for you.

Does your situation at work look like any of the following?

  1. Disability, retaliation, and age discrimination case where executive employee in 50s is terminated while on disability leave after making serious whistleblowing complaints against the company.
  2. Sexual harassment case involving two nurses where male Doctor grabbed and manhandled them.
  3. Sexual harassment case where male employee supervisor systematically approached female subordinates about having sex leading to workplace and home life disruptions. Employer management staff was found to have covered up the situation older
  4. Race discrimination case where construction worker and supervisor were terminated and replaced by white workers after complaining about working conditions.
  5. Pregnancy discrimination case where employee was fired upon disclosing her pregnancy to her employer. Unfortunately, this happens all too frequently in the Los Angeles area
  6. Defamation and interference case where Aerospace employer got former employee fired from new job
  7. Misclassification case where employee was unlawfully classified as exempt instead of his hourly. Many employees and employers are unaware that the classification is set as a matter of law and not unilaterally by the employer.
  8. Whistleblower retaliation case where an employee complained of bribery and misconduct by supervisors and was fired as a result.

Items that will help you to establish an awesome relationship with your attorneyEmployees often ask what they should bring to their attorney’s office in order for their case to be evaluated. Below is a brief list:

  1. Timeline of events. In employment cases, a timeline is often indispensable for an understanding of what took place and its legal significance. Start from your first day of employment and then go into details on the questions of most significance such as medical leaves and termination events and acts of sexual harassment. Follow a format of Who? What? Where? When?
  2. List of witnesses. Often witnesses who can support your version of events are the key to prevailing in a case. Creating a list of witnesses with their contact information particularly their phone numbers, is vitally important. You can bring the witness list with a description of what the witness can attest to, over to the attention of your lawyer, who will then obtain witness statements. Do not obtain witness statements on your own.
  3. Medical records. Medical records are often of importance for two reasons. First, your medical records may establish the basis for your disability discrimination and failure to accommodate claims as well as any family medical leave act claims that you may wish to pursue. Second, medical records will document damages, most particularly the mental injury that you have suffered as a result of the employment violation. These mental injuries may range from an adjustment disorder to a serious depression and/or severe anxiety. Documenting the injuries provides the basis for a full recovery of monetary compensation.
  4. Pay stubs. The law presumes that the name of the employer on the paycheck is in fact your employer. The pay stubs also contain information about your rate of pay and possibly how much overtime you work and other factors that may go to the proper calculation of your lost wages and benefits damages…
  5. Emails, text messages, other electronic messages. To the extent that you have these, and they are not proprietary information of the employer, this can be very helpful to you. You have to be careful not to take property that belongs to the employer.
  6. Honest, open, and responsive. Your prompt and sincere cooperation will lead to the best results.

We have decades of experience suing major employers who violate employment laws in Los Angeles and Orange counties including: Hospitals, Banks, Brokerages, Marketing companies, Trucking companies, Private jet companies, Manufacturing companies, Fortune 500 companies, Aerospace companies, Private universities, Entertainment companies Production companies, Music publishers, Advertising agencies, Architecture firms, Major nonprofits, Big-Box retailers Retail chain stores, Automobile dealerships, Restaurant chains